Prescriptions for Medications

Prescriptions for Medications

EU standard paper or electronic prescriptions for your medications lost or advised by your Home Doctor.

Have you just lost your medications or run out of them while traveling?
With your medical problem you already consulted your regular home physician, who advised you to take certain medications now? But the pharmacies want a prescription from a local doctor?
No worries… We can help you.

We can issue prescriptions for the medications you regularly take or your home Doctor recommended you should use now. For a base fee, we can generally prescribe one course of treatment, a 1 month supply or maximum the amount necessary to cover the time period you are away from home. For certain drugs, such as narcotics and psycho-stimulants more rigid legal limits and restrictions apply to foreign nationals.

This cheaper prescription writing service is only a temporary first aid solution based on your home or other treating physician’s prescription or advice.
It is not intended to replace the regular follow up evaluations with the original (home) doctor. Our doctors will not assume or replace the role of the original (home) treating physician. For this base fee our doctors will not be responsible for your treatment, including but not limited to side effects and complications from the medications prescribed. Our doctors are merely responsible to make sure that the medications prescribed would match the disease or condition you claim and help you out for a reasonable time until you can reach your regular doctor. If you need more or repeated supplies of your desired medication, then you must either get further prescriptions from your original (home) doctor, or schedule a regular evaluation appointment with us to establish a usual and customary patient – treating physician relationship.

A paid Professional Consultation is required, since all prescriptions are written by physicians. You have to discuss your exact needs and medical background with our doctor in our office, during a house call – home visit or request medications through our TelePrescription Services (phone, WhatsApp, email).

This is a private medical service, and for the Professional Consultation a visit fee will be charged to you according to our price list.
We do not accept and cannot prescribe any medication based on public health insurance like the Hungarian TAJ card, Austrian SVS or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
We will give you a formal report with a proof of payment and you may try to claim it on your private medical or travel insurance as lost medications “en route” or a medical doctor visit.
Prices vary with the time, speed and convenience of the services you request. Prescriptions for Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleeping Pills, and Psycho-stimulants are under strict regulations by authorities, consequently 60 – 120 EUR surcharge will be applied to each of them.

The pharmacy price of the medication is not included in our Professional Consultation fees.

The cheapest option in our office, off season, during workdays 10:00 – 16:00 CET is 140 EUR in cash for most easily available medications. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. We do not have Walk-in Clinics. Please do not show up unexpected, as you may find no doctor there or the fees may be much higher.
We can give office appointments mostly about 1-2 hours ahead.
So contact us only if you are
– ready to come to our Locations anytime within 2 hours,
– actually in your hotel (apartment) and can wait there for a house call anytime within 1-3 hours,
– prepared to participate in TelePrescription Services within your chosen time frame (proper phone and internet connection).

When you meet our Doctor or get engaged in TelePrescription Services:
– you must show or send us a copy of your own, original, valid picture ID (passport, national ID card, Driver License).
– you must sign a paper or fill our electronic form in English. You will have to state the exact name with the dosage of the medications you take and need, along with the name and location (town, country) of the ordering Physician at home. We generally accept our patient’s testimonies and do not contact the ordering (home) physician.
– you may show the original boxes or prescriptions from your home Doctor, as it helps a great deal.

We advise, that you check the availability of your desired medication in the local pharmacies in advance before contacting us. Pharmacies are under strict government supervision, and may keep in stock or be allowed to dispense only limited amounts of drugs to foreign nationals, especially controlled substances, such as Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleeping Pills, and Psycho-stimulants. We cannot guarantee availability of any certain brands or even generics. We will not prescribe more than allowed by law.

As part of our paid services our Doctors may help you to locate the pharmacy where the requested and prescribed medications are actually available. However, we will not search for your desired drug or inform you about prescription rules, regulations and options based solely on your request, without the payment of our Professional Consultation fees.
If your desired drug is not readily available in a close-by pharmacy, then as part of a paid consultation, our Doctors may offer you reasonable alternative treatments, that you can more easily get according to your circumstances, such as given time frame and location.
If you prefer to clarify the availability and access to your desired medication before the Professional Consultation, then you have the option to request the “Availability Check in Local Pharmacies” or the “Reasonable Alternative Medication Offering with Availability Check” TelePrescription Services. You have to pay in advance for these services as outlined in our price list. These prepaid checking fees will be later counted into and lower the fees payable for the Professional Consultation or TelePrescription Services.

We can either give you EU Standard paper prescription in the hand or issue electronic prescriptions, that can be sent in pdf printable format via WhatsApp or email. Electronic prescriptions can be retrieved from the National Health Care Cloud and so can be filled in any pharmacy of the issuing doctors’ country. Other EU countries may give out the medication based on a paper form.

Please read this General Information about service requests before contacting us in any way.