
Biomedical Imaging

A wide range of diagnostic studies are available, including plain X-rays, Ultrasound, Computer Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Conventional and Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). Evaluations can be done urgently based on our doctors’ recommendations.

We often perform these studies in certain cases.

X-rays are most frequently done to evaluate injured extremities for possible broken bones. Neck injuries may indicate such studies to look for injuries of the cervical spine.

Ultrasound studies often help with acute abdominal pain, to localize the source such as appendicitis, pancreatitis, gallstones or kidney stones.

CT scan of the head is ordered by our doctors in cases of headaches, cranial injuries or suspected intracranial bleeding. Based on a neurological evaluation an urgent CT of the head can help exclude a dangerous process in the background.

MRI and MRA scans of the brain and spine may give the best resolution if needed in cases of suspected brain pathology or radiculopathy.